Sunday, May 15, 2011

Scary Sunday's

After my prayers and quiet meditation on Sunday,  I now have two spaces wherein there is a commitment to write. 
On my "normal" blog, I have "Six Sentence Sunday", which was meant to make me take a just a moment to visit and jot something reasonable.  Something that might depict things going on in my life or document random thoughts just rattling around inside of my head.  It is about the discipline of coming here and writing.
Well, that has turned out to be more of a process than I bargained for, I am amazed  at what it takes to convey some description or interesting thought in just one sentence. 

I am now faced with this "Disaster" and need a Sunday solution...

I decided to introduce you to some of what formed the foundation for my throne.  

Of course, before I was dubbed the "Queen",  I was a "Child of Disaster"!   I mean what were you thinking, there are few who are just born into "Queendom"...  We all know that you do not rise to greatness without some training and foundation, right? 

I was steeped in scary concepts and exposed to aliens who crept up on us in our sleep, Vampires, Swamp Monsters, Frankenstein, Wolf man (I just loved the poor Wolf man, he was such a kind and melancholy guy!), Zombies, The name the horror and I have seen it!
Hell, I am pretty sure that there were even man-eating plants involved.  It started with scary and progressed to disasters, so as we follow the path, the disasters will unfold eventually.  For now we just gonna stick with your basic monster movies.

Funny, but now that I am picturing that black and white box that brought all of those monsters to me.  I can picture our little spare room made out to be the "TV" room, with it's small flowered sofa and a sewing machine pushed up against the wall. 

I can also remember that my Mom would have shooed us off with some breakfast treat so that she could be busy creating our Sunday lunch.  I can still smell the onions browning before they went into that big roasting pan to flavor that amazing, tender pot roast.  Wow, I miss my Mom's cooking, it was truly incredible!

Popeye would come on first and my brothers would be busy making "muscles" while pretending to smoke that imaginary corn cob pipe just like the scrawny hero did.  My brother, Jimmy did that the best, even  squinting and crinkling one eye to mimic the cartoon hero.   I'll bet, if I asked him to do that today he would strike that familiar pose in nothing flat!  He would instantly turn 4 years old again, with those bright blue eyes shining.

Popeye was a really cool show for us, because it was done in a local studio and we would stare at those kids from our hometown who were priviledged to sat sit on those bleacher seats and get prizes, while sporting cockeyed sailor hats.  Sometimes, if they were the lucky one they would even get to say their names and introduce the next cartoon!
Man, I know that the three of us sat secretly wishing we could get to that magical audience someday... none of us ever did.

Anyway, next item for my viewing pleasure was the "Scary" movie matinee (see, what I am talking about, foundation, foundation, foundation... I had this item buried somewhere in my attic of a brain).  My brothers would have gotten to restless and thrown the footed pajamas somewhere on the floor in thier room, so they could dress to go outside and play. 
I,  however would remain indoors and spend time in my favorite place...somewhere scary, just me and my monsters!

Which brings me to present day!   Scary Sunday...  I will post some of the best and most awful, frightening movies of my past.  I will tell ya'll  a bit about them, rate it, and get on with my day... You know, just telling you what I think, because that is so important, right?
                                   The opinion of a "Queen" always holds so much weight...
                                                           So, please stay tuned!

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